Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Hilary of Arles. Hilary was born into an aristocratic family in France at the beginning of the fifth century. During his studies, he ran upon his relative Honoratus, who persuaded the young man to follow him into the monastic life. Hilary did this. He continued to serve as […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Athanasius. Athanasius was raised in a Christian household in Alexandria, Egypt, received a classical education, turned to the priesthood, and eventually became the bishop of Alexandria, serving as Alexander’s secretary. Alexander, his predecessor, had been a vocal opponent of an emerging movement called Arianism that took root in […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Peter Chanel, the Patron Saint of Oceania. Peter, a French native, first became interested in missions when reading letters missionaries to America wrote at home in school. Peter, a young priest, revitalized a parish in a “bad” neighborhood by demonstrating great devotion to the ill. At age 28, […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Louis Mary Grignion de Montfort. Louis Grignion, who grew up in the nearby Breton village of Montfort, near Rennes, France, chose to use his baptismal location as his name when he became an adult. He received a Jesuit and Sulpician education before being ordained as a diocesan priest […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Pedro de San José Betancur. Despite Pedro’s sincere desire to become a priest, God had other plans for his future. Pedro grew up in an impoverished household on the Canary Island of Tenerife. Pedro worked as a shepherd until the age of 24 when he began heading to […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen. Mark Rey, a lawyer who practiced law, was born in 1577 and has always defended the rights of the underprivileged. Often referred to be “the poor man’s lawyer,” Rey quickly developed a hatred for the injustice and corruption he observed among his coworkers. He joined […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint George, the Patron saint of Boy Scouts, England, Germany, Portugal, and Soldiers. Saint George served as the subject of several stories. He suffered at Lydda in Palestine, most likely before the reign of Constantine, and there is every reason to think the man was a genuine martyr. The […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Conrad of Parzham. Conrad worked as a porter in Altoetting, Bavaria, for most of his life, allowing visitors to enter the friary and subtly persuading them to accept God into their lives. Bartholomew and Gertrude Birndorfer, his parents, lived close to Parzham, Bavaria. This area was then recovering […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla, Patron Saint of Doctors, Unborn Children, and Wives. She was the tenth of 13 children born to Alberto and Maria Beretta and was born in Magenta, close to Milan. Gianna loved to ski and climb mountains. She was also a prominent member of the Catholic […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Blessed James Oldo. James of Oldo was born in 1364 to a wealthy family near Milan. He wed a rich woman who shared his appreciation for the comforts of life. James, his wife, and their three kids left their homes and started moving into the country due to a […]