Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen.

Mark Rey, a lawyer who practiced law, was born in 1577 and has always defended the rights of the underprivileged. Often referred to be “the poor man’s lawyer,” Rey quickly developed a hatred for the injustice and corruption he observed among his coworkers. He joined his brother George in the Capuchin Order as a priest after retiring from his profession. His spiritual name was Fidelis. The impoverished and needy seminarians received a portion of his money.

Fidelis continued to be a Franciscan, devoted to the poor and the needy. Fidelis took care of and healed a lot of sick troops in a city where he was the keeper of a friary during an epidemic.

He received the position of leader of the party of Capuchins dispatched to Switzerland to preach against the Calvinists and Zwinglians. Violence was almost imminent. The mission’s observers believed that Fidelis’ nighttime prayers were more responsible for the mission’s success than his sermons and directives.

He got charged with combating the national aspirations of the peasants for Austrian independence. A rifle opened fire at him while he was preaching in Seewis, where he had gone against the advice of his friends, but he managed to escape unharmed. Fidelis declined protection from a Protestant, indicating that his life was in God’s hands. He died to a group of armed guys who attacked him on the way back.

In 1746, Fidelis received the status of sainthood. He became known as a martyr fifteen years later.

