Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Hilary of Arles.

Hilary was born into an aristocratic family in France at the beginning of the fifth century. During his studies, he ran upon his relative Honoratus, who persuaded the young man to follow him into the monastic life. Hilary did this. He continued to serve as bishop in Honoratus’s tradition. Just 29 years old, Hilary was appointed bishop of Arles.

The fresh, young bishop stepped into the position with assurance. Hilary worked manual labor to provide people in need with money. To free prisoners, he sold holy objects. Hilary developed into a master orator. He always wore plain clothing and walked everywhere.

That was a plus. Hilary had issues getting along with other bishops he had some authority over. He removed a bishop on his own. He chose a different bishop to take over for one who was seriously ill—but who, to further complicate matters, did not pass away! Hilary was still a bishop but had some of his authority taken away by Pope Saint Leo the Great.

Hilary passed away at age 49. He was a gifted and pious guy who eventually mastered the skills necessary to serve as a bishop.

