Today we celebrate the memorial of Blessed James Oldo.

James of Oldo was born in 1364 to a wealthy family near Milan. He wed a rich woman who shared his appreciation for the comforts of life. James, his wife, and their three kids left their homes and started moving into the country due to a plague outbreak. Two of his daughters perished from the epidemic despite his taking these precautions. James was committed to using his remaining time to establish God’s kingdom on earth and to accumulate wealth in heaven.

He converted to Secular Franciscanism together with his wife. James quit his previous way of life and atoned for his transgressions. He taught him Latin as he looked after a sick priest. James himself became a priest after the death of his wife. His home became a chapel where small gatherings of individuals, many of whom were fellow Secular Franciscans, gathered for support and prayer. James put a lot of emphasis on helping the ill and detainees. Due to disease, He passed away in 1404. 1933 saw the beatification of James Oldo.

