Today we celebrate the memorial of Blessed Peter Gonzalez, Patron Saint of Spanish and Portuguese sailors. The Apostle Paul underwent a conversion on the way to Damascus. Peter Gonzalez, who joyously rode his horse into the Spanish city of Astorga in the 13th century to take up an important job at the cathedral, discovered this […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Martin I. Constantinople was the seat of the Byzantine Empire at the time Martin I was elected pope in 649, and its patriarch was the Str figure in the Eastern Christian world. The close collaboration of various rulers at that time exacerbated the conflicts inside the Church. It is […]
Today we Celebrate the Memorial of Saint Teresa of Los Andes. Juana Fernandez read the memoirs of the saint Thérèse, often known as the Little Flower when she was a child growing up in Santiago in the early 1900s. Her passion for God grew as time passed by, which also made her future course more […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Isidore of Seville, the patron saint of Computer and Internet users. Isidore lived 76 years, during which the Spanish Church experienced division and expansion. Before Isidore’s birth, the Visigoths established their capital after conquering the country a century and a half earlier. These were Christians known as Arians […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Benedict the African, the Patron Saint of African Americans. His parents lived in Messina, Sicily, as slaves from Africa. After being set free at the age of 18, Benedict worked on a farm for pay and soon had enough money saved up to purchase a pair of oxen. […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Stephen of Mar Saba. At age 10, Stephen of Mar Saba entered into the monastic life. Stephen began serving the neighborhood at age 24 in various capacities, including as a guest master. After some time, he requested permission to lead a hermit’s existence. The abbot’s response was a yes […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Peter of Regalado. Peter lived during the Great Western Schism (1378–1417), which the Council of Constance resolved. (1414-1418). The destruction of the Byzantine Empire happened in 1453 due to the Turks capturing Constantinople during the Hundred Years’ War between France and England. At the time of Peter’s passing, […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Ludovico of Casoria. Arcangelo Palmentieri, a trade cabinetmaker born in Casoria, near Naples, joined the Friars Minor in 1832 using the alias Ludovico. He spent several years instructing younger members of his province in chemistry, physics, and mathematics after receiving his ordination five years later. He experienced a […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Oscar Arnulfo Romero. In 1917, a young man named Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez was born in the hamlet of Ciudad Barrios, El Salvador. Óscars’ father taught him his trade as a carpenter, but he knew he wanted to become a priest from a very young age. At […]
Today we celebrate the memorial Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo. He was born in Spain, received legal training, and as a result of his academic prowess, was appointed a professor of law at the University of Salamanca before ultimately rising to the position of the chief judge of the Granada Inquisition. He succeeded very well. Yet, […]