Today we celebrate the memorial of Stephen of Mar Saba.

At age 10, Stephen of Mar Saba entered into the monastic life. Stephen began serving the neighborhood at age 24 in various capacities, including as a guest master. After some time, he requested permission to lead a hermit’s existence. The abbot’s response was a yes and a no: Stephen may lead his preferred lifestyle during the week, but he had to volunteer his counseling services on the weekends. Fathers, forgive me in the name of the Lord, but only bother me on Saturdays and Sundays, Stephen wrote on the door of his cell.

Stephen was withdrawn and devoted to prayer but was a valued spiritual advisor with incredible interpersonal skills.

Stephen’s disciple and biographer also stated that he provided whatever spiritual or material assistance he could provide when asked. He treated everyone with the same kindness and respect. He desired and possessed nothing.

In 794, Stephen passed away.

