Today we celebrate the memorial of Blessed Peter Gonzalez, Patron Saint of Spanish and Portuguese sailors.

The Apostle Paul underwent a conversion on the way to Damascus. Peter Gonzalez, who joyously rode his horse into the Spanish city of Astorga in the 13th century to take up an important job at the cathedral, discovered this many years later. Peter had fallen in the muck, and onlookers laughed as the animal slipped and fell.

In a position of humility, Peter reexamined his goals—his bishop-uncle had obtained the cathedral position for him—and set out on a new course. He was ordained as a Dominican priest and quickly established his preaching abilities. He devoted most of his time to serving as the court chaplain and attempting to influence the court’s participants’ behavior for the better. Peter restrained the soldiers from pillaging when King Ferdinand III and his men conquered the Moors at Cordoba. He also convinced the king to treat the fallen Moors with compassion.

Peter spent the rest of his life preaching in northwest Spain upon leaving the court. He is regarded as their patron since he established a special mission for Spanish and Portuguese mariners.

Peter Gonzalez became a Saint in 1741 after passing away in 1246.

