Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Rita of Cascia, The Patron Saint of: Difficult Marriages, Impossible Causes, Infertility, and Parenthood Rit was raised in Roccaporena, central Italy, and desired to become a nun but was coerced at a young age into wedlock with a harsh and violent man. She gave birth to and reared […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Theophilus of Corte If we expect saints to consistently perform incredible acts and leave us with plenty of memorable phrases, we would undoubtedly be dissatisfied with Saint Theophilus. However, the mystery of God’s grace in a person’s life has a unique beauty. Theophilus was born to wealthy and […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint John I The Western emperor made John lead a mission to the East to mitigate the sanctions against the heretics after the Eastern emperor started implementing harsh measures on the Arians in his region. Few details of the negotiation are known to ensure Catholics in the West would […]
Today we celebrate the Memorial of Saint Paschal Baylon, The Patron Saint of Eucharistic Congresses and Societies Shepherds. Pascal’s Spanish parents were poor but pious. He started living a life of mortification when he was seven years old and worked as a shepherd until he was 24. On the Day that there was a Mass […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Margaret of Cortona. In Laviano, Tuscany, Margaret was born to farmer parents. When Margaret was seven years old, her mother passed away, and because she found life with her stepmother challenging, she left. Despite not being married, Margaret shared nine years of Arsenio’s life and gave birth to […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Isidore the Farmer, the Patron Saint of Farmers and Rural Laborers. Isidore began working devotedly on John de Vergas’s estate outside of Madrid when he was barely old enough to use a hoe. His father, John de Vergas, was a wealthy landowner from Madrid. He wed Maria de […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Leopold Mandic. Leopold, a Croatian native, joined the Capuchin Franciscans and, despite his numerous illness, became a saint several years later. He was unable to preach aloud enough in public. Along with severe arthritis, bad eyesight, and a gastrointestinal illness, he endured these conditions for many years. Leopold […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Ignatius of Laconi. He is the second child to a peasant family of 7, 9 counting his parents, living in Sardinia. His journey to the Franciscans was unique. Ignatius promised to join the Capuchin order if he recovered from a terrible illness. Despite regaining his health, he disregarded […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint John of Avila, Patron Saint of Andalusia, and Spain. John, a Spanish citizen born in Castile, was admitted to the University of Salamanca at age 14 to pursue a legal education. Later, he relocated to Alcala in preparation for his ordination as a diocesan priest, pursuing studies in […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Peter of Tarentaise. There were two people named Saint Peter of Tarentaise, each of whom lived in a different century. The person we’re honoring today is the elder Peter, who was born in early 12th-century France. The other man later became a pope named Innocent the Fifth. The […]