Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Rita of Cascia, The Patron Saint of: Difficult Marriages, Impossible Causes, Infertility, and Parenthood

Rit was raised in Roccaporena, central Italy, and desired to become a nun but was coerced at a young age into wedlock with a harsh and violent man. She gave birth to and reared two sons over her 18-year marriage. Rita attempted to join the Augustinian nuns in Cascia after her husband died in a fight and the death of her sons. Being a widow at first prevented Rita from succeeding, but eventually, she did.

Rita’s frugality, devotion to prayer, and generosity accrued a legendary status over the years. People immediately connected her forehead wounds, which she later developed, with Christ’s thorny crown wounds. She often thought about Christ’s suffering. She was very tender with the ill nuns. She also provided lay visitors to her convent with counseling.

Rita was sanctified in 1626 but not canonized until 1900. Along with Saint Jude, she has earned a reputation as a saint of impossible circumstances. Each year, many people go to see her tomb.

