Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Theophilus of Corte

If we expect saints to consistently perform incredible acts and leave us with plenty of memorable phrases, we would undoubtedly be dissatisfied with Saint Theophilus. However, the mystery of God’s grace in a person’s life has a unique beauty.

Theophilus was born to wealthy and noble parents in Corsica. He joined the Franciscans as a young man and quickly showed his love for seclusion and devotion. After completing his study, he was ordained and assigned to a retreat center near Subiaco. He established more such houses in Tuscany and Corsica after being inspired by the austere lifestyle of the Franciscans there. He gained notoriety throughout time for both his preaching and his work as a missionary.

Theophilus willingly met the needs of God’s people in the confessional, in the sick room, and at the burial despite having a chronic illness. He passed away on June 17, 1740, exhausted from his labors. 1930 saw his canonization.

