Earlier inhabitants called the island of Negros “Buglas,” believing that it was formed when the island was “torn from” other islands of the country while rising waters cut off the Philippines from the Asian mainland. The shape of the islands of the Visayas confirms this belief as they can be put together as in a […]
Do angels grieve when we sin or afflicted by pain?
Today, we celebrate the memorial of our guardian angels. Guardian angels are spiritual beings created by God to guard and guide us in our pilgrimage towards heaven. How great and noble the souls of man are that God provided a spiritual guardian to assist in his journey. Viewers: 138
Today, we celebrate the memorial of Saint Vincent de Paul, priest and founder of the Vincentians and Daughters of Charity. Saint Vincent de Paul was born to a poor family. He was educated by the Franciscans and was ordained priest at 20. In 1605, while on a ship traveling from Marseilles to Narbonne, he was […]
Today, we celebrate the feast of Saint Bartholomew, apostle of the Lord. SAINT BARTHOLOMEW was one of the twelve called apostles by the Lord. Several learned interpreters of the Holy Scriptures take this apostle to have been the same as Nathaniel, a native of Cana, in Galilee, a doctor in Jewish law, and one of […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of The First Martyrs of the Church of Rome. Within a dozen or so years following the death of Jesus, there were Christians in Rome, but they were not those who had been converted by the “Apostle of the Gentiles” (Romans 15:20). At the time he penned his famous epistle […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saints Peter and Paul. Peter: According to the New Testament, Peter is the apostles’ leader and was hand-picked by Jesus to have a particular relationship with him. He had the honor of witnessing the Transfiguration, the resuscitation of a dying infant, and the suffering in Gethsemane alongside James and […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Cyril of Alexandria. Cyril, famous for being a great church teacher, started as the archbishop of Alexandria, Egypt, by acting rashly and frequently violently. He assisted in the removal of Saint John Chrysostom, pillaged and shuttered the churches of the Novatian heretics—who demanded that those who renounced the […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Blessed Raymond Lull. On the Mediterranean island of Mallorca, Raymond was born in Palma. There he gained a place in the king’s court. He was moved by a lecture one day to make it his life’s effort to convert the Muslims in North Africa. He established a college where […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint John Fisher. Typically, people identify John Fisher with Renaissance humanists like Erasmus, Thomas More, etc. Therefore, his life story lacked the apparent simplicity most saints lived by. Instead, he was a learned guy who was friends with fellow intellectuals and political figures of his time. He eventually rose […]