Today, we celebrate the memorial of Saint Vincent de Paul, priest and founder of the Vincentians and Daughters of Charity.

Saint Vincent de Paul was born to a poor family. He was educated by the Franciscans and was ordained priest at 20. In 1605, while on a ship traveling from Marseilles to Narbonne, he was captured, brought to Tunis, and sold as a slave. Two years later, he and his master escaped, and both returned to France.

St. Vincent went to Avignon and later to Rome to continue his studies. While there, he became a chaplain to the Count of Goigny and was placed in charge of distributing money to the deserving poor. From that point forward, he spent his life preaching missions and providing relief to the poor. He even established hospitals for them. This work became his passion. He later extended his concern and ministry to convicts.

Saint Vincent was called the “apostle of charity” and “The father of the poor.”

Saint Vincent’s heart remains uncorrupted until today.

Saint Vincent de Paul, pray for us!

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