Today, we celebrate the memorial of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, abbot, and doctor of the Church.

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, was born into the nobility of Burgandy. His father was the lord of Fontaines.

From his earliest years, Bernard showed an aptitude for learning and was devout with zealousness. He is charismatic and had the ability to draw and illumine his listeners. Despite his delicate health, at the age of 22, he joined the monastery and live the rest of his days as a monk. He was famous for settling the schism between the anti-pope Anacletus II who tried to overtake Innocent II.

Saint Bernard was also a prodigious writer and his works are still read to this very day. Bernard wrote some of the most mystical writings within the Catholic Church, which gained the respect of all those who read them. Saint Bernard died in 1153 and was canonized by Pope Alexander III. He was later named as a doctor of the Church by Pope Pius VIII.

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, pray for us!


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