Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Dominic Savio, Patron Saint of Juvenile delinquents and Choirboys.

Dominic was born into a rural family in Riva, Italy, and enrolled in Saint John Bosco’s Oratory in Turin as a student when he was 12. He made an impression on Don Bosco by wanting to become a priest and assisting him in his work with abandoned youths. Young Dominic, who was both a peacemaker and a leader, established a group he called the Company of the Immaculate Conception that, in addition to being devotional, helped John Bosco with the boys and with hard labor. All of them, except Dominic, would help Don Bosco establish the first Salesian congregation in 1859. Dominic had already been called to heaven by that point.

Dominic used to spend hours in prayer as a child. He referred to his raptures as “my diversions,” while playing, he occasionally felt as though heaven was about to open above him. Dominic would reply, “I can’t accomplish tremendous things. I am frightened I may say or do anything to make the other lads laugh. But I want everything I perform to be for God’s greater glory, no matter how minor.

Dominic was sent home to recover because of lung issues brought on by his weakened health. As was the norm of the day, they put leeches on him to bleed him in the hope that it would assist in his recovery, but it simply worsened his situation. He received the Last Sacraments before passing away on March 9, 1857. He wrote the biography of Saint John Bosco.

Some argued that Dominic was too young to be considered a saint. Saint Pius X asserted the exact opposite to be accurate and persisted in his cause. Dominic was declared a saint in 1954. The day of his liturgical celebration is March 9.

