Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Frances of Rome, Patron Saint of Motorists and Widows.

As a young girl, Frances was born to a wealthy family and felt inspired to become religious. But her parents disapproved, so a young aristocrat was chosen as her husband instead.

Frances quickly learned that the wife of her husband’s brother also desired to live a life of service and prayer as she got to know her new relatives. With their husbands’ approval, Frances and Vannozza set out to assist the underprivileged.

For a while, Frances was ill, but this only made her more determined to help the individuals she saw in need. Frances gave birth to a daughter and two sons over the years. The young mother’s focus shifted more to the demands of her own family due to the added obligations of family life.

Under Frances’ care, the family flourished, yet after a brief time, a terrible virus spread throughout Italy. The virus killed Frances’ second son and struck Rome with horrifying brutality. To ease the pain, Frances spent all her money and sold all her possessions to purchase anything the sick might require. She and Vanozza went door to door, begging after there were no more alternatives. When Frances’ daughter passed away, the saint converted a portion of her home into a hospital.

