Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Ephrem. Ephrem received his baptism as a young boy in Nisibis, Mesopotamia, where he was raised and rose to fame as a teacher. Ephrem and many other Christians fled as refugees to Edessa after the Christian monarch had to turn over Nisibis to the Persians. He received credit […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint William of York. William appeared as though he was destined for greatness when he was born in 12th-century England into a wealthy household. Even though there was a severe dynastic conflict, his uncle was the next in line for the English crown. Having to deal with a conflict […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Blessed Franz Jägerstätter. Franz, a husband and the father of three girls named Rosalie, Marie, and Aloisia, was eventually called to serve his country as a Nazi soldier, which he refused, resulting in his execution. Franz was raised in St. Radegund, Upper Austria, lost his father in World War […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Norbert. Saint Norbert established the Praemonstratensians, also known as the Norbertines, in the 12th century in the French province of Premontre. In addition to bringing back to life many of the faithful who had grown apathetic and corrupt, he also had to bring peace and reconciliation between foes. […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Boniface. An English Benedictine monk named Boniface referred to as the apostle of the Germans, declined the position of the elected abbot to devote his life to converting the Germanic nations. Boniface’s orthodoxy as a Christian and his loyalty to the Roman pope are two distinguishing qualities. The […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saints Marcellinus and Peter. The Roman Canon of Saints includes Marcellinus and Peter because they were well-known in the Church’s memory. Our current Eucharistic Prayer I does not require us to mention their names. Peter and Marcellinus were exorcists, or people authorized by the Church to handle cases of […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat, The Patron Saint of Teachers. More than 100 schools run by her Society of the Sacred Heart bear witness to Madeleine Sophie Barat’s legacy; these establishments are renowned for the high caliber of education they provide to children. Because Louis, her brother who is 11 […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Bede the Venerable, The Patron Saint of Scholars. Bede received care from the abbot of the Monastery of St. Paul, Jarrow, at a young age. The fortunate union of brilliance and the academic, holy monks’ instruction resulted in the creation of a saint and an incredible scholar, maybe […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Mary Magdalene De’ Pazzi. In Florence, Catherine de’ Pazzi was born in 1566 into an aristocratic family. The typical course of events would have been for her to marry into wealth and live well, but Catherine decided to go her way. She started meditating at nine years old […]
March 23,2023 We are celebrating the memorial of Saint Gregory VII. Due in part to the papacy serving as the pawn of numerous Roman families, the 10th century and the first half of the 11th were dismal eras for the Church. When Pope Leo IX, a reformer, was chosen, things started to alter in 1049. […]