Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Norbert.

Saint Norbert established the Praemonstratensians, also known as the Norbertines, in the 12th century in the French province of Premontre. In addition to bringing back to life many of the faithful who had grown apathetic and corrupt, he also had to bring peace and reconciliation between foes. His establishment of the Order was a tremendous effort.

Norbert had no illusions about his capacity to handle all those different tasks. He understood that nothing could be done correctly without God’s might, even with the assistance of numerous individuals who joined his Order. He and his Norbertines thanked God for his success in converting heretics, making peace with many foes, and restoring confidence in doubting believers after discovering this assistance, particularly in devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. Many spent the week in central homes and the weekends working in parishes.

Norbert reluctantly accepted the position of archbishop of Magdeburg, a region that is equally heathen and Christian. He remained in this post and diligently and passionately carried on his service for the Church until his passing on June 6, 1134.

