Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Gregory of Narek. Gregor was born between 945 and 950 in a settlement on the banks of Lake Van. A few years ago, his father, an archbishop, passed away. After Gregor’s mother passed away, a learned uncle took care of him and his elder brother and sent them […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Oscar Arnulfo Romero. In 1917, a young man named Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez was born in the hamlet of Ciudad Barrios, El Salvador. Óscars’ father taught him his trade as a carpenter, but he knew he wanted to become a priest from a very young age. At […]
As we commemorate the Feast of St. Joseph — Spouse of Mary, the St. Joseph Chapel in Barangay Lantad, Silay City celebrated a Solemn Mass earlier today, March 18, 2023 at 9:30 AM. Rev. Fr. Carl Anthony Quinto, Parochial Vicar of San Diego Parish presided the mass. A procession followed in the afternoon at 5:00 […]
Today we celebrate the memorial Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo. He was born in Spain, received legal training, and as a result of his academic prowess, was appointed a professor of law at the University of Salamanca before ultimately rising to the position of the chief judge of the Granada Inquisition. He succeeded very well. Yet, […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Nicholas Owen. Nicholas was born in Oxford; As a humble artisan, he saved many Christians in England during the Penal Era, when various states punished Christians for practicing their faith. Nicholas used his talents by building multiple hiding places for priests to hold ceremonies throughout England. Because of […]
today we celebrate the memorial of Blessed John of Parma. He was born around 1209 in Parma, Italy. God called him to leave the world he was used to and enter the new world of the Franciscan Order when he was still a young philosophy professor well-known for his knowledge and piety. After becoming a […]
The Commission on Social Communications successfully concluded the 3rd Batch of the SPARK Program held at Our Lady of Victory Parish and at DYAF Station last March 11 and 18, 2023 with participants coming from the different parishes and chaplaincies under the Vicariates of Victorias, Silay, and Bago. Continuing the goal of the program to […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Salvator of Horta. Salvator was born in Spain’s Golden Period. Politics, money and the arts were thriving. The same was true of religion. The Society of Jesus was started in 1540 by Ignatius of Loyola. Salvator’s parents had little money. He joined the Franciscans as a brother at […]
Today we celebrate the feast day of Saint Patrick, patron Saint of Ireland, Nigeria, and Engineers. Patrick is the subject of many myths, but the reality is that we should recognize his two enduring traits: courage and humility. The life of God’s instrument for converting the majority of Ireland to Christianity is the resolve to […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer, Patron Saint of Vienna. The ninth of 12 children, John, as was his baptismal name, was born in an impoverished family in Moravia. He had always wanted to be a priest, but there was no money for education, so he was an apprentice to a […]