For the 2nd day of the Spark Program, Ms. Chona Gosiaoco discusses to the participants topic on Radio Broadcasting. Source: ADSUM Diocese of Bacolod Viewers: 101
KWARENTA. WATCH the new episode of KWARENTA tomorrow at 5:20 AM. FEBRUARY is ARTS MONTH. KWARENTA invited another set of local artists to share their upcoming art exhibit. Gil john Quiamco is a Bacolod based artist from Bago City. He was born in Quezon, Bukidnon on 16th of January 1988. A draftsman and a full-time […]
KWARENTA. WATCH the new episode of KWARENTA tomorrow at 5:20 AM. FEBRUARY is ARTS MONTH. KWARENTA invited another set of local artists to share their upcoming art exhibit. Sandy is the former curator of Museo Diocesano De Bacolod, an Ecclesiatical Museum of the Diocese of Bacolod. CURRENTLY an independent curator, a hobby painter, member of […]
ADSUM Pasiplat PRACTICUM. The Spark Weekend participants try it out putting theory to practice at the DYAF AM radio station studios. They had the chance to do actual news reporting and interview on camera and also, radio reporting. Source: ADSUM Diocese of Bacolod Viewers: 92
CONGRATULATIONS ! SPARK Weekend Batch 2 Source: ADSUM Diocese of Bacolod Viewers: 65
February 20,2023ADSUM PASIPLAT. Ang Triumph of the Holy Cross Parish nagpatigayon sang isa ka Gift Giving sa mga BEC’s para sa kubos naton nga mga kauturan nga nagakinahanglan.Kapin 300 ka mga recipients ang nakabaton sang bugas kag mga de latas.Suno kay Rev.Fr.Francisco D Perez,VF, Parish Priest sang parokya “Madamo sang mga utod naton ang ginagutom […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto, Patron Saint of  bodily ills; captives; people ridiculed for their piety; prisoners; sick people; against sickness. Saint Francisco Marto and Saint Jacinta Marto, along with their cousin Lucia Dos Santos live in Aljustrel, Portugal. As children, they were illiterate and had to rely on […]
WATH the new episode of KWARENTA tomorrow, 5:20 AM. Source: ADSUM Diocese of Bacolod Viewers: 104
Today we celebrate the memorial of the Seven Founders of the Servite Order. The Founders consisted of Bonfilius, Alexis, Manettus, Amideus, Hugh, Sostene, and Buonagiunta, flourishing merchants from Florence. At the time, Florence was rife with conflict due to the completion between the florentine nobility and the wealthy merchants on who would govern Florence. Because […]