Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Louise de Marillac, Patron Saint of Social Wokers. Louise was born close to Meux, France. She lost her mother when she was a young child and her beloved father when she was only 15 years old. Her desire to be a nun got rejected by her confessor, and […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Maximilian of Theveste. Maximilian of Tebessa, also known as St. Maximilian of Theveste, was a martyr who died in 296. The liturgies of the late Roman Empire African churches frequently featured readings from the acts of martyrdom. The one commonly cited for Saint Maximilian is the verified account […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Leander of Seville. Leander was born to the virtuous Severianus and Theodora in Cartagena, Spain. He had two brothers who were bishops, St. Isidore and Fulgentius, and a sister whose also a saint named Florentina. After becoming a monk in Seville, he was appointed bishop of the See. […]
ADSUM PASIPLAT. Bishop Gerry Alminaza posted a photo of Fr. Jose Luis Dueñas, OAR, who is now 88 years old. Fr, Dueñas is the former parish priest of Sum-ag, of Vito in Sagay; Narra in Palawan; and of San Nicolas in Quezon City and University of San Jose-Recoletos in Cebu City. Bishop Alminaza said that […]
Adsum PASIPLAT Bishop Buzon receives the official documents of St. James the Greater Church today. Donors Mr. Tony and Chona Montinola officially handed over the documents to Bishop Buzon in his office this afternoon. The parish church is now under the care of the Order of the Friars Minor (Franciscans). Bishop Buzon led the dedication […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Dominic Savio, Patron Saint of Juvenile delinquents and Choirboys. Dominic was born into a rural family in Riva, Italy, and enrolled in Saint John Bosco’s Oratory in Turin as a student when he was 12. He made an impression on Don Bosco by wanting to become a priest […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Frances of Rome, Patron Saint of Motorists and Widows. As a young girl, Frances was born to a wealthy family and felt inspired to become religious. But her parents disapproved, so a young aristocrat was chosen as her husband instead. Frances quickly learned that the wife of her […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint John of God, Patron Saint of Booksellers, Firefighters, Heart Patients. Hospitals, Nurses, Printers, and the sick John was 40 when he realized how sinful he was, having abandoned active Christian belief while serving in the military. He decided to dedicate the remainder of his life to serving God […]
READ.COLLEGIAL LENTEN MESSAGE OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL BISHOPS Gin-ugyonan nga Mensahe sang mga Obispo sa Negros Occidental sa Panahon sang Kwaresma Isa ka Panawagan: Magpahuway, Maghinulsol kag Magbag-oagod Makahigugma pa gid kita sing Maayo! Source: ADSUM Diocese of Bacolod Viewers: 94
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saints Perpetua and Felicity. Patron Saints of Widows, Mothers of Deceased Sons Perpetua was born to a Christian mother and a Pagan Father. Her father begged her to denounce her Faith in Christ, which she refused, which got her subsequently imprisoned at 22. Perpetua writes in her diary about […]