REFLECTION: Catechesis and the Acts and Decrees of the Second Diocesan Synod
The General Directory for Catechesis defined catechesis as “the process of transmitting the Gospel.” The emphasis of this process of transmission is important for us Catholics because this is another way of handing down our faith to the next generation and at the same time this is how we spread the good news of the risen Lord. The reason why Pope Paul the VI wrote that the renewal of the Catholic Church in the Second Vatican Council provoked an intense focus on Jesus’ command to “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) as a duty of the Church and its members so that people can believe and be saved. In every local churches around the world, catechetical ministry becomes one and most important ministry of the Church.
As I study Organizational Catechesis, I encountered so many important documents and books about this matter. At first, I didn’t appreciate all these books and documents because I thought that the only important book in catechetical ministry is the Catechism of the Catholic Church. In this paper, I choose the book from our diocese entitled, “The Second Diocesan Synod: Acts and Decrees of the Diocese of Bacolod”. There are certain reasons why I choose this book. First, it is challenging for me to read about this book. Honestly, despite of the fact that I came from the Diocese of Bacolod I rarely open this book. I am familiar with the cover but I am not familiar with the pages and essence of the book. At first, I am tempted to choose the book which I already read. At the same time, it is easy for me to find more sources about those books. Unlike this book, it is more local than I can rarely find more sources about it. Secondly, it is a just choice to choose this book to be familiar with this local document that comes from our diocese. I think that it is unfair if I read other books and yet I cannot read the book from our locality. As what they said, “love your own” or shall I say, “enjoy your own”. And lastly, I am a seminarian from the Diocese of Bacolod. It is important to be aware of our own document and be familiar with it. It is embarrassing to think that a seminarian doesn’t know his own local document. What if a priest or some would ask about it, what would be my response to them if I didn’t read or even familiarized this book? And later on, as a priest from our diocese it is important also to know this document in order to run the parish. There are acts and decrees that has been laid down by this synod that must be implemented by the pastor. I thought this book as a guide that will give order later on in the parish where I will be assigned. At the same time, this book is also useful for the commissions in the diocese. It is not only for the parish priests but also for the commission heads. There are programs that must be implemented using this book as a guiding principle.
In the end, this book is also a very useful guideline for the catechetical ministry in the diocese. For the reason that there are specific tools in this book that helps us in creating programs for catechesis. The next part of this paper will discuss the summary of the book, especially, those belong to catechetical ministry. The gist of the book will help the seminarian like me to develop the desire to serve the catechetical ministry with passion and zeal. I know that not all will appreciate this book but I assure my readers that this will be a very useful tool for catechetical programs.

Summary of the Synod
As we open the book, the first thing that welcomes us is the decree of promulgation of this Acts and Decrees of the Second Diocesan Synod of the Diocese of Bacolod. It was promulgated by his excellency, Most Rev. Vicente M. Navarra, D.D., the fifth bishop of the Diocese of Bacolod. Just like the other books, it starts with an introduction. It was then followed by the Acts of the Synod which is composed of five (5) chapters and its conclusion. Then, the Decrees of the Synods follows which is comprised of its preface, preliminary decrees, synod preamble, the five (5) chapters and its references. In the end of the book, we can read the appendix, the instrumentum laboris, order and procedure of the synod, those who are involved, ecclesiastical summons, hymns, prayers and homilies.
In the first part of the book namely, the introduction of the Acts of the Synod, it gives emphasis on how they come up with the synod which is headed by bishop Navarra. It also gives us the context of this synod and, at the same time, the ongoing processes during the synod proper. But the most important thing here is the theme of the synod, which was explained in this part of the book, the “DUC IN ALTUM”. It means “Put out into the deep”. It was taken from the gospel of Luke 5:4. This theme would eventually be the guiding theme for the whole synod. In chapter one (1) of the acts, it prefigure the island of Negros Occidental as an “island of tears, island of hope”. It is more focused on the profile of the whole island Negros, specifically, its population, economic condition, land use, history and culture of the people. We also know that a diocese has its own particular context, therefore in this chapter, we can read how the diocese of Bacolod was shaped by history and its surroundings which also affects its present status.
In chapter two (2), it focused on the demands of renewal. I imagine this as the foundation of Christ’s teachings handed down by the Church’s vision. Somehow, it is the chapter where the standard of the Church was presented. In here, the Church’s teachings were stressed. This is were the demands of our renewal was presented. In some part of this chapter, specifically, “the call to pray” and “the call to learn”, the catechesis was mentioned. In #138, it says that, “Catechesis on private devotions should include social concerns so that people become aware of the present social and moral issues…” it means that through the help of catechesis the people can imitate the lives of the saints. At the same time, it also said that inputs on social teachings before and after novena masses are encourage. In #149, it describes catechesis as “central to learning”. Here, it affirms that the parents are the first teachers of faith to their children. Thus, the Catechetical Institute (CI) and the Catechetical Commission (CatCom) must review and reinvigorate their programs on these matter and align these with the Diocesan Thrust. In #150, it says that “catechesis must focus on renewed integral evangelization.” It gives emphasis on the translation of catechism to vernacular and intensification of catechesis in public schools.
In chapter three (3), it is all about the prophets of renewal. It focuses more on the persons involved in this renewal. It discusses our prophetic role as baptized and at the same time as witnesses of the risen Lord. It also lay down the goal of this formation process, which is the “Christian maturity”. The catechists as one of the prophets of renewal, the Diocese gives them importance in this chapter. The synod of the diocese describes the catechist as “among the most faithful servants of the Lord and of the Church in the Philippines” and “among the most hardworking despite the minimal monetary compensation that they receive” #256. In addition, they must also have substantial compensation and other benefits and social security as the diocese also consider the conditions where they are exposed to (#257). They must also be reminded by the fact that when they teach, they are not only instructors but prophets, therefore, they must bring the gospel message in truth and in deed (#258). The need of more catechists was also discussed in this chapter. The diocese needs to recruit and train more professional catechists for school catechetics and volunteer catechists (#259). For all catechist, on going formation is seen as an important part of their formation for them to purify their intentions, increase their fervor and to improve their knowledge and skills. (#259). In order to facilitate this, according to the Acts of the Synod, there is a need for a full time coordinator in the Diocesan Catechetical Center. It also a goal for the diocese to have one professional catechist for every parish or chaplaincy, therefore, these formandi are required to undergo intensive training in the Catechetical Institute prior to their parish assignment (#260). In addition to the on going formation, the synod pushes the diocese to create and operate a Catechetical Institute the whole year and Catechetical Center which can serve as a school for catechesis as well as retreat or prayer house in order to achieve formation and growth (#261). In #262, it encourages the strengthening of the Commission on Catechetics. It specified the following things that must be strengthen, particularly, the review and reassessment of its organizational structure in terms of personnel, programs, curriculum and module content, at the same time, the teaching strategies and evaluation or assessment procedures. Moreover, the commission must be headed by a full time priest, and a uniform manual or guideline for the diocese.
The chapter four (4) was entitled, “The Church: People Made One”. In this chapter, it speaks more on the community of disciples. It promoted the spirit of communion in the universal Church and at our own local churches. It also amazing to read that this acts of synod also presents the interpersonal relationships of priest to their fellow priest and priest to their flock. In chapter (5), it speaks the Church’s involvement in politics. It is entitled, “The Church: A New Deal”. Here, it defined politics and the reason why the Church meddled in politics. It also gives emphasis on the involvement of the Diocese of Bacolod to politics, as the voice of the poor and in behalf of justice and social transformation. And the acts of the synod, ends by the conclusion.
The next part know is the Decree of the Synod. It begins with a preface and preliminary decrees followed by synod preamble. In chapter one (1) of the decrees, it starts with the decrees about social realities and worship. It was followed by the “Social Realities and Formation”, and “Social Realities and Action”. The next chapter (2) was entitled, “Demands of Discipleship”. It is where the “Decrees on Solidarity and Reciprocity on Rights and Obligation” is located. At the same time, we can also read there the “Decrees on Governance and Empowerment in the Church” and “Decrees on Mutual Collaboration and Co-responsibility”.
In chapter three (3), it was entitled “The Challenges of Renewed Church”. We can locate there the “Decrees on Dynamic Clergy for a Renewed Church “ and the “Decrees on the Family and the Basic Ecclesial Communities: Infrastructures of a Renewed Church”. In the next decree, namely, the “Decrees on Lay Formation and Ministries for a Renewed Church”, it mentioned about the Catechesis. The decree #60, emphasizes about the vocation of catechists on lay cooperation in the task of catechesis and evangelization. Moreover, “their invaluable contribution is to be recognized and appreciated so that the diocese can move further to harness their volunteerism and professionalism in meeting the demands of renewal.” And again it underlines the attention on the part of the pastor for all the needs of his catechists in their formation and financial support. The decree #61.1 note that the Diocesan Commission on Catechesis (DCC) must improve the curriculum of the CI by integrating the postulate of the Diocesan Pastoral Thrust, the demands of renewed Church and the directives of the Diocesan Pastoral Council. In #61.2, it specifies that in every parish there must be a Catechetical Center where the local catechists are trained for an annual summer and regular Sunday catechetical instructions. At the same time, there must be a trained catechists in every Basic Ecclesial Communities in the parish. In #61.3, the DCC must have catechism classes or module for the summer and regular catechetical instructions. And in #61.4, coordination with the Department of Education is a must in order to have a full implementation of the constitutional clause on religious instruction in public schools in all parishes and chaplaincies. In line with the Liturgy, under the “Decree on Integral Faith Formation and the Sacraments”, in baptism, parents and godparents are to be catechized immediately before the celebration itself, so as not to inconvenience the poor.
In chapter four (4) of the Decree, entitled “A Prophetic Church in Focus”. The first part is focus on the “Youth in ‘School for Prophets’”. Under the decree #79.3, catechetical program in public school should be faithfully observed. The first part was followed by the “Media in the Development of the Society” and by the “Politics, a Necessary Involvement”. It is interesting to note that in politics, catechesis is a must. In #95, the synod suggests to follow the guidelines of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines regarding its involvement in politics provided by the “Catechism on the Church and Politics” of February 28, 1998. It is in response to the question during the synod: How does the Church fulfill its mission on renewing or evangelizing politics? The first answer given by the synod is that, “by catechesis or Christian education in politics in order to evangelized our political culture which is characterized by a separation between faith and politics”.
In the last chapter of the decree, it was entitled, “A Church United” where it discusses the following: the “Avenues for Fellowship and Unity, Ecumenical Socials and Dialogue, and the Eucharistic Celebrations and Spirituality in the Diocese”. It is here then that the decree of the synod ended. The Acts and Decrees of the Synod of the Diocese of Bacolod was then followed by the Appendixes and the Instrumentum Laboris (IL). The Instrumentum Laboris is the working papers that will be discussed in the synod. It is divided into six parts: The Church that Remembers, the Church that Prays, the Church that Learns, the Church that Shares, the Church that Cares, and the Church that Celebrates. In these six parts, I will only focus on the parts where catechesis was given emphasis.
Jesus said to his apostles, “to make disciples of all nations” and teaching them to carry out all that I have commanded you” (Mt. 28:19-20). Thus, it is the Church’s effort to evangelized through catechesis in order to carry this mission of Jesus. In some parts of the IL, it said that, among the workers of renewal, one of the most important, according to PCP II, are the catechists. The synod quoted PCP II #156, “a renewed catechesis is the first element of a renewed evangelization.” It presented here also the problems that some catechists are not credible witnesses and that catechists teach lesson which students cannot absorb.
The Diocese of Bacolod considered catechesis as the primary task of evangelization. In relation to this, the diocese finds way through the Mini synod in every parish on how to make catechesis prosper. First, catechetical program must be review, reinvigorated and strengthened. At the same time, catechetical modules must be develop to facilitate widespread catechetical instruction. Parishioners saw the inadequacy of our customary but intermittent catechesis, where classes are only held during the summer CI and Flores de Mayo. Thus, the faithful suggests to make Sunday school catechism through the whole year. Further, existing catechetical instruction and materials must also be reviewed to make it more meaningful, interesting, challenging, lasting, relevant, applicable to life, and updated to meet the challenges of todays world. It is also suggest that the modules must be attuned to the needs of every sectors of the society or for each one’s stages in life. The catechetical instructions and seminar is also a great help wherein it can include family values like respect, justice and self-giving can be taught. And lastly, the faithful suggest a uniform guidelines for Flores de Mayo.
Secondly, the Mini synod recognized that parents are the first catechists and no other institution can replace the primacy of their rights and obligation to the growing faith of their children. It also emphasizes that the home is where the children were taught the fundamentals of faith and religion. It is a place where they are not only introduced to God but also a place where they learn and inculcated the basic values, virtues and religious practices. In short, the Mini synod wants that every family can be a place where the child experience for the first time the Church, a truly “domestic church”.
Thirdly, the Mini Synod recognized that the catechesis must be rooted in the Word of God. Thus, the bible must be the primary catechetical book. In order to develop a deep love for the Word, the faithful suggests that Bible Apostolates and bible studies must be encourage in the family, schools, media, LOMAs, BECs and parishes. At the same time, existing bible class in every parishes must be evaluated and regular bible studies in the church must be conducted with competent preachers. Furthermore, other would suggest to hold a bible study after mass, to distribute free copies of the bible and to ask the bishop to write a pastoral letter on the importance of the Scripture.
Thirdly, the Mini synod also recognized the importance of media in this present time. For the synod, the “media is unquestionably an influential, albeit underutilized, venue for teaching the faith. Thus, in order to make it happen and to maximized its proper use, the diocese will put up radio programs such as catechesis on the air. In addition, it also encourage mass media to print and air bible verses with daily reflections.
Fourth, the Mini synod affirms what the PCP II #178 tells us, that, “No sacrament should be administered without first instructing the participants on the meaning of the sacrament they are to receive.” Therefore, every parish must strictly enforce thorough pre-sacramental instruction and seminars especially for the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and matrimony. It aims that sacramental catechesis must result in a full and correct understanding of the sacraments in order to celebrate it meaningfully. For the baptism, parents must know their own obligation to their baptized children and godparents should attend pre-baptism seminar for them to know on how to guide and educate the baptized child. For the sacrament of matrimony, it is proper to have an adequate catechesis to the couple in order for them to know about the sacramentality of the marital covenant. The synod suggest to have a more exhaustive marriage reparation and pre-cana seminars.
And lastly, the highlight proposal of the Mini synod is the desire not only for more equipment, facilities, educational materials and other resources but also to have more catechists. It an area where all Christian faithful are expected to support. The more vocation towards catechesis, the more effective we can fulfill the mission given to us by the Lord.

I remember every time I have summer apostolate in every parishes starting from my first year in the seminary until my tenth year of formation, the catechists are the ministers that I always admire. This is the reason why there are two things that remains in my mind while reading the Synod, especially, those that tackles catechesis. The first is that, catechesis is the primary task of evangelization. And the second is that, catechists are among the most faithful servants of the Lord and among the most hardworking. It struck me because I realized that these two are very essential and at the same time very true based on my experience. In this art of my paper, I would like to affirm certain things about this book. It is because I believe that this book is a fruit of a long journey of the bishop, priests and faithful of the Diocese of Bacolod. At the same time, I would like to add some thoughts that I observed in this present moment that I think would help the catechetical ministry to flourish in our diocese.
The first thing that I would like to affirm is about the review and renewal of the program, modules, structure and instructions of the Commission on Catechesis that the book emphasizes. I know that as time pass by there are new existing needs that this generation is facing. Therefore, these things must be renew and re-evaluated not only during the synod but also yearly. It is important because as faithful people of the Lord we must also know how to journey with the signs of times. There are so many changes in our present world now and it is faster than what we expected. I think it is wiser for us to observe these changes and do something about it. But also we must also be vigilant that the essentials of faith and tradition must remain intact. Thus, we must do something about the change without neglecting the essentials of our faith.
Secondly, I also affirm that catechists must also be updated and must undergo initial and ongoing formation. I believe that as we grow old we must continue to learn. Our learning must not end when we graduates or finish some courses, and this is the same to our catechists. Our catechists must continue to learn, learn something new as they journey to the signs of times. At the same time, we must not also forget the temporal needs of our catechists. In order to be realistic, we do not only feed their minds but also their stomach. Our catechists are humans, therefore, they must be given a just compensation for their service. Being a servant doesn’t mean that the master can take for granted their needs. How can they serve well if their stomach is empty? Moreover, the diocese must also take care and promote the vocation to be a catechists. If today we are lacking of priests, same thing that happens to our catechists. Therefore, we must also create programs that promotes catechetical ministry. I am happy that in our diocese we still have more vocation to the catechetical ministry.
Third, I affirm the importance of catechetical centers and catechetical institute in our diocese as what the synod tells us. But as I observe, sometimes we take it for granted. Actually, as I involved myself in the initial formation of the catechists during the CI, I can say that we lack facilities for learnings. We don’t have yet a permanent place for the Catechetical institute in the diocese despite of the fact that the synod emphasizes it. At the same time, we lack of resources and materials for learning despite of the fact that we have an annual catechetical institute. I think that these things must be address in order to give a thorough and integral formation for our catechists.
Fourth, I also like to affirm that the synod wants to promote the media apostolate and social communication as means to catechized. We all know that in this present times we are surrounded by technology. Most of our young people and children are exposed to the cyber world. Therefore, it is also fitting that Christ must be present in these kind of world. Our means to catechized must also transcend from classroom set up going to the world of mass media. In order to put it into flesh, we must also update our catechist regarding these matter, especially, now that we are facing the pandemic wherein we cannot have a face to face encounter with the one whom we want to catechized.
Lastly, I also like to affirm that catechesis must be part of our whole life as a Church. It starts from our home which is the domestic church and going out to the bigger community. What amazes me is that the synod doesn’t only emphasizes the need to catechized the faithful in matters of the sacrament but also in politics. It makes me realized that as we catechized the faithful on matters of faith, we must also catechized them in terms of morals. It is like the movement of the catechizing the faithful from internal to the external. The internal realm which is the liturgy and the sacraments going out to the external realm which is the realities of the world, like that of politics.
In conclusion, I can say that this book is very essential in our local church because it doesn’t only comes from an idea but comes from the experience and realities of the faithful of the Diocese of Bacolod. The collaboration of the bishop, priests and the faithful as community of disciples can be seen in this single book. I can say that this book is a manifestation of the faith of the people in the Diocese of Bacolod. In line of the catechesis as mentioned several times in the synod, I believe therefore that catechesis is a great importance to the life of the Church. It is essential from the starting point of our faith until the coming of the Lord. It preserves not only the teachings of the Church but also our encounter with the Lord every time we catechized the people. I am proud that the synod doesn’t forget catechesis. It means that the synod really try its best to follow the mission our Lord Jesu s Christ told us, “to make disciples of all nations”.
There is within us a fundamental dis-ease, an unquenchable fire that renders us incapable, in this life, of ever coming to full peace. This desire lies at the center of our lives, in the marrow of our bones, and in the deep recesses of the soul. At the heart of all great literature, poetry, art, philosophy, psychology, and religion lies the naming and analyzing of this desire. Spirituality is, ultimately, about what we do with that desire. What we do with our longings, both in terms of handling the pain and the hope they bring us, that is our spirituality . . . Augustine says: ‘You have made us for yourself, Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.’ Spirituality is about what we do with our unrest.
Ronald Rolheiser