Today, we celebrate the memorial of Saint Jerome Emiliani, Patron Saint of orphans and abandoned children.

Jerome was born into an aristocratic family in Venice, and he had a morally upright upbringing. In his younger years, he was sociable, friendly, cheerful, strong-willed, and enthusiastic. When he was a teenager, he enlisted in the military, as was tradition in his family. There, Jerome became ambitious, seeking glory and honor. He had participated in the War of the League of Cambrai at the age of twenty-five. He was given command of Castelnuovo, a fortress located west of Venice. In 1511, Jerome and three others were captured and imprisoned by the enemy.

It was during his imprisonment that he contemplated his life and found faith in God once again. He had made a vow that, should he be freed, he would devote his remaining life in servitude to God. Once freed, he abandoned his worldly ambitions and studied theology.

In 1526, Jerome’s mother and his two brothers had died, leaving him to care for his nephews. It was the beginning of his calling to care for the children who were either orphaned or abandoned.

He had founded the Company of the Servants of the Poor, or the Order of the Somascan Father, as it is known today, in 1532.

He was canonized by Pope Clement XIII on July 16th, 1767.

