Today, we celebrate the memorial of the Our Lady of the Pillar.

The story was the Blessed Virgin Mary was still living in the year 40, and was aware of Saint James’ distress. Like a true mother, and in order to console the saint, she miraculously bi-located hundreds of miles to appear to Saint James while he was praying along the banks of the Ebro River in Zaragossa. When the saint looked up from his prayers, the Blessed Virgin stood before him upon a pillar supported by angels, and she encouraged Saint James by revealing to him the great faith that the people of Spain would possess in the future due to his sacrifices. She gave St. James her effigy, requesting that he build a chapel in there in her honor. Saint James complied, constructing the first church in Spain.
This event is the first known and earliest recognized apparition of Our Lady, and one which took place while she was still living on earth. It is interesting to consider that in her book, The Mystical City of God, the Venerable Mary of Agreda wrote that the Blessed Virgin was transported to Spain from Jerusalem carried in a cloud by angels. It was these angels who also crafted the pillar of marble and created the statue of Mary, their queen, holding her Divine Son.
The apparition encouraged Saint James and he decided to return to Jerusalem and continue his missionary works.

Our Lady of the Pillar is the patroness of Barangay Ma-ao.

Our Lady of the Pillar, pray for us.


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