Today, we celebrate the memorial of Saint Pope Pius X, the 257th pope of the Catholic Church.

Saint Pope Pius X was born on June 2, 1835. On September 18, 1858, he was ordained a priest and became chaplain at Tombolo. While there, he expanded his knowledge of theology, studying both Thomas Aquinas and canon law.

As head of the church, Pius X is known for opposing modernist interpretations of Catholic doctrine, promoting liturgical reforms and scholastic philosophy and theology. He initiated the preparation of the 1917 Code of Canon Law, the first comprehensive and systemic work of its kind.

His papal motto was Instaurare Omnia in Christo, or “to restore all things in Christ,” and his overriding policy was:

“We champion the authority of God. His authority and Commandments should be recognized, deferred to, and respected.”He died on May 29, 1954, and was canonized by Pope Pius XII.


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