Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Catherine of Bologna, Patron Saint of Art and Artists.

Catharine was born in Bologna, although she was related to the aristocracy of Ferrara and received her education there. At the court, she acquired a liberal arts education and discovered a passion for painting. Catharine painted miniatures and occasionally illuminated manuscripts in her later years as a Poor Clare.

She joined a group of pious ladies in Ferrara when she was 17. The entire group entered the Poor Clares in that city four years later. Before being chosen as the novice mistress, she worked as a portress and convent baker.

She was assigned, along with 15 other sisters, to found a Poor Clare monastery in Florence in 1456. As abbess, Catharine worked to keep the new neighborhood tranquil. Her reputation for holiness drew many young women to the Poor Clare life. 1712 saw her canonization. On May 9, people celebrate Saint Catherine of Bologna’s liturgical feast day.

