Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint John of God, Patron Saint of Booksellers, Firefighters, Heart Patients. Hospitals, Nurses, Printers, and the sick

John was 40 when he realized how sinful he was, having abandoned active Christian belief while serving in the military. He decided to dedicate the remainder of his life to serving God and immediately sailed for Africa to set free Christians who were being held captive and perhaps even risking his life as a martyr.

He quickly received advice that his desire for martyrdom was not spiritually sound, and he left for Spain and the relatively routine work of a religious supplies shop. He had not yet found peace, though. Saint John of Avila’s speech originally moved him, and one day he beat himself in front of others while pleading for pardon and fervently repenting of his former life.

After being sent to a mental institution for these behaviors, Saint John visited John and counseled him to actively participate in meeting the needs of others rather than enduring his struggles. After finding comfort, John soon left the hospital to work with the underprivileged.

Initially, he built a home and, by begging himself, wisely provided for the ill and needy. Yet as word spread about the saint’s fantastic work and inspired many people with his devotion, they started to support him financially and with supplies. The marquis of Tarifa and the archbishop were among them.

John had an intense interior prayer life, evident in his attitude of humility, hidden under his outward gestures of complete concern and compassion for Christ’s ailing poor. These characteristics drew assistants, who established the Brothers Hospitallers, a worldwide religious order, 20 years after John’s passing.

After serving for ten years, John was unwell but made an effort to hide it. He designated a leader for his assistants and started organizing the hospital’s administrative tasks. Lady Ana Ossorio, a spiritual friend and admirer, attended to him as he passed away.

