Today we celebrate the memorial of the Seven Founders of the Servite Order.

The Founders consisted of Bonfilius, Alexis, Manettus, Amideus, Hugh, Sostene, and Buonagiunta, flourishing merchants from Florence. At the time, Florence was rife with conflict due to the completion between the florentine nobility and the wealthy merchants on who would govern Florence. Because of this, they would seek to leave Florence out of a desire to escape the vices and conflict that would seem to grow.

In the year 1233, all seven of them were visited by an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, telling them to offer themselves to the service of God, which they obeyed. They had moved to a dilapidated house outside the city wall, embracing the mendicant life of begging, poverty, and prayer. With this lifestyle, they had drawn many people towards them, making them men of wisdom and virtues. As a result, they would often give spiritual and moral guidance to those who seek them.

In the year 1240, the Blessed Virgin Mary would appear to them and instruct them to build their Order. A decade later, their Order would be approved by the Pope and followers began to flock towards them.

