Today, we celebrate the optional memorial of Saint Ezekiel Moreno, pastor. Saint Ezekiel Moreno, was an Augustinian friar who labored for many years in the Philippines and in Colombia, South America, as a religious, a priest, and later as bishop. He was ordained priest in Manila in 1871. He was then sent to his first […]
By Fr. Ronald Rolheiser Posted: AUGUST 16, 2021 What is the Eucharist? What is supposed to happen when we gather to celebrate the ritual that Jesus gave us at the Last Supper and asked us to perpetuate until his return? Is this meant to be a family meal or a re-enactment of Jesus’ sacrificial death? […]
In his catechesis at the General Audience, Pope Francis says we should ask ourselves if we are still living “under the Law” or if we understand that, having become children of God, we are called to live in love. By Christopher Wells Pope Francis continued his explanation of St Paul’s Letter to the Galatians at […]