Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint John of God, Patron Saint of Booksellers, Firefighters, Heart Patients. Hospitals, Nurses, Printers, and the sick John was 40 when he realized how sinful he was, having abandoned active Christian belief while serving in the military. He decided to dedicate the remainder of his life to serving God […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saints Perpetua and Felicity. Patron Saints of Widows, Mothers of Deceased Sons Perpetua was born to a Christian mother and a Pagan Father. Her father begged her to denounce her Faith in Christ, which she refused, which got her subsequently imprisoned at 22. Perpetua writes in her diary about […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Mary Ann de Paredes, Patron Saint of Ecuador, Americas, against bodily ills or sickness, Sick people, against the loss of parents, and People rejected by religious orders. Mary Ann, or Mariana De Paredes as was her name, was born to a noble family; during her infancy, her parents […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint David of Wales, Patron Saint of Wales. Wales’s patron saint, David, is arguably the most well-known of all British saints. Ironically, there isn’t much factual information available on him. He is believed to have trained as a priest, worked as a missionary, and established several monasteries, including his […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Blessed Daniel Brottier. Daniel was born in France in 1876 and began his teaching profession after receiving his ordination. That did not please him for very long. Beyond the classroom, he wished to apply his enthusiasm for the gospel. He joined the Holy Spirit Congregation, which took him to […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Patron Saint of Clergy, Students, and Young People Saint Gabriel was born to a large family in Italy; his mother died when he was just four years old. The Jesuits taught him, and he had been cured twice of serious illnesses, growing […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Polycarp, The Patron Saint of earaches. In the early half of the second century, Polycarp, a famous Christian leader, was the bishop of Smyrna, a student of Saint John the Apostle, and a companion of Saint Ignatius of Antioch. Saint Ignatius sent Polycarp a letter from Troas after […]
Today we celebrate the feast of the Chair of Saint Peter. This celebration honors the fact that Christ appointed Peter to take his place as the servant-authority of the entire Church. Peter learns the Good News after the “lost weekend” of suffering, uncertainty, and self-punishment. The Christ has risen!” proclaim angels to Magdalene at the […]
Today we are celebrating the memorial of Saint Peter Damian, Patron Saint of Traceurs, Freerunners. He was born in Ravenna; he was orphaned at a young age and raised by a brother who treated him more as a slave than as kin. The archpriest saw and pitied him, had taken him under his wing, and […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto, Patron Saint of  bodily ills; captives; people ridiculed for their piety; prisoners; sick people; against sickness. Saint Francisco Marto and Saint Jacinta Marto, along with their cousin Lucia Dos Santos live in Aljustrel, Portugal. As children, they were illiterate and had to rely on […]