Today we celebrate the memorial of The First Martyrs of the Church of Rome. Within a dozen or so years following the death of Jesus, there were Christians in Rome, but they were not those who had been converted by the “Apostle of the Gentiles” (Romans 15:20). At the time he penned his famous epistle […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saints Peter and Paul. Peter: According to the New Testament, Peter is the apostles’ leader and was hand-picked by Jesus to have a particular relationship with him. He had the honor of witnessing the Transfiguration, the resuscitation of a dying infant, and the suffering in Gethsemane alongside James and […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Cyril of Alexandria. Cyril, famous for being a great church teacher, started as the archbishop of Alexandria, Egypt, by acting rashly and frequently violently. He assisted in the removal of Saint John Chrysostom, pillaged and shuttered the churches of the Novatian heretics—who demanded that those who renounced the […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Blessed Raymond Lull. On the Mediterranean island of Mallorca, Raymond was born in Palma. There he gained a place in the king’s court. He was moved by a lecture one day to make it his life’s effort to convert the Muslims in North Africa. He established a college where […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint John Fisher. Typically, people identify John Fisher with Renaissance humanists like Erasmus, Thomas More, etc. Therefore, his life story lacked the apparent simplicity most saints lived by. Instead, he was a learned guy who was friends with fellow intellectuals and political figures of his time. He eventually rose […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga. Aloysius underwent a significant spiritual quickening at the age of seven. He prayed the Psalms, the Office of Mary, and other devotions. He moved to Florence at age nine to pursue his education; when he was eleven, he taught catechism to underprivileged children, fasting three days […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Paulinus of Nola. He was the son of the Roman prefect of Gaul, who owned substantial property in both Gaul and Italy, and was born not far from Bordeaux. Paulinus rose to prominence as a lawyer and served in several government positions throughout the Roman Empire. He retired […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Romuald. Romuald spent the following thirty years establishing monasteries and hermitages throughout Italy. He obtained the Pope’s approval to preach the gospel in Hungary because he yearned to sacrifice his life to Christ in martyrdom. But as soon as he arrived, he fell unwell, and the disease returned […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Marguerite d’Youville. Marie Marguerite Dufrost de Lajemmerais, a Canadian native born in Varennes, had to leave school at age 12 to assist her widowed mother. Eight years later, she wed François d’Youville; they had six children together, four of them passed away while they were very young. She […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Anthony of Padua. The gospel’s invitation to give all up and follow Christ served as the compass for Saint Anthony of Padua’s life. God continually beckoned him to take on new roles in his plans. Anthony always answered by renewing his commitment to serving his Lord Jesus with […]