Tomorrow, we will celebrate the feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, archangelsAngels—messengers from God—appear frequently in Scripture, but only MICHAEL, GABRIEL, and RAPHAEL are named. Michael [“Who is like God?”] appears in Daniel’s vision as “the great prince” who defends Israel against its enemies; in the book of Revelation, he leads God’s armies to […]
Today, we celebrate the memorial of Saint Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila and companion martyrs. Saint Lorenzo was born in Manila of a Chinese father and a Filipino mother, both Christians. Thus he learned Chinese and Tagalog from them, and Spanish from the Dominicans whom he served as altar boy and sacristan. He became a professional […]
Today, we celebrate the memorial of Saint Vincent de Paul, pastor, and founder of the Vincentians. The deathbed confession of a dying servant opened Vincent de Paul’s eyes to the crying spiritual needs of the peasantry of France. This seems to have been a crucial moment in the life of the man from a small […]
Today, we celebrate the memorial of Saint Padre Pio, pastor.Born May 25, 1887 at Pietrelcina, Benevento, Italy to a southern Italian farm family as Francesco Forgione, the son of Grazio. He was a shepherd, and at age 15 he entered the novitiate of the Capuchin friars in Morcone, Italy, joining the order at age 19. […]
Today, we celebrate the Feast of Saint Matthew, an apostle of the Lord. Saint Matthew, whose name means ‘god’s gift.’ The first canonical Gospel, which goes under his name, presents him to us in the list of the Twelve, labeled very precisely: “the tax collector” (Mt 10: 3). Thus, Matthew is identified with the man […]
Today, we celebrate the memorial of Sts. Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Paul Chong Ha-sang, and companions, martyrs. Sts. Andrew Kim Tae-gon was the first Korean-born Catholic priest and is the patron saint of Korean clergy. His parents were converted to Catholicism and his father was subsequently martyred during the Joseon Dynasty for practicing Christianity, a prohibited […]
Today, we celebrate the optional memorial of Saint Robert Bellarmine, pastor and doctor of the Church. Saint Robert was the third of ten children of Vincenzo Bellarmine and Cinzia Cervini, a family of impoverished nobles. Educated by Jesuits as a boy, he joined the Jesuits on 20 September 1560 over the opposition of his father […]
Today, we celebrate the memorial of Saints Cornelius and Cyprian, martyrs and pastors of the Church. SAINT CORNELIUS. Bishop and reluctant 21st pope, elected after a year-and-a-half period during which the persecutions were so severe that papal ascension was a quick death sentence. He worked to maintain unity in a time of schism and apostasy. […]
Today, we celebrate the memorial of the Our Lady of Sorrows. Before there were two feasts celebrated in honor of the Sorrowful Mother: one going back to the 15th century, the other to the 17th century. Both feasts were celebrated by the universal Church: one on Friday before Palm Sunday and the other in September. […]
Today, we celebrate the feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross. The feast was celebrated in Rome before the end of the 7th century. Its purpose is to commemorate the recovering of that portion of the Holy Cross which was preserved at Jerusalem, and which had fallen into the hands of the Persians. Emperor […]