Today, we celebrate the memorial of Saint Helena of Constantinople. Saint Helena was an Empress of the Roman Empire and mother of Roman emperor Constantine the Great. In her lifetime she wished to become a good mother and to find find the cross on which Jesus had been crucified. At the age of 63, she […]
Today, we celebrate the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This solemnity recalls the spiritual and physical departure of the mother of Jesus Christ from the earth when both her soul and her body were taken into the presence of God. Venerable Pope Pius XII confirmed this belief about the Virgin Mary […]
Today, we celebrate the memorial of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, priest and martyr. Saint Maximilian Kolbe was a Polish Catholic priest and Conventual Franciscan friar. He was born on January 8, 1894, in Zduńska Wola, in the Kingdom of Poland, which was then part of the Russian Empire. At the age of 12, he had a […]
Today, we celebrate the optional memorial of Saints Pontian, pope, and Hippolytus, priests, and martyrs. St. Pontian was the successor of Peter, the bishop of the Church of Rome. He was arrested during a persecution of the Church ordered by the Roman emperor Maximinus in the third century. He was sentenced to a “living death” […]
Gospel Reading Mt. 18:21-19:1 Then Peter went up to Jesus and said, ‘Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me? As often as seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘Not seven, I tell you, but seventy-seven times. And so the kingdom of Heaven may be compared to a king who decided to settle […]