ADSUM PASIPLAT. Earlier today, Saint John the Baptist Parish commemorated a Eucharistic celebration emphasizing the rite of Ash Wednesday. Today marks a significant date for it signals the start of the Lenten Season. The mass was presided by Rev. Fr. Chad P. Gayares who, together with the lay ministers, placed the ashes on the devotees’ […]
Six days to go before “Little Flower” arrives. On February 28-March 2, 2023 St. Therese of the Child Jesus will visit the Diocese of Bacolod. Preparations are on-going for the arrival of her Pilgrim Relics for the 5th time. Get to know St. Therese: St. Thérèse was the youngest of nine children, five of whom […]
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Polycarp, The Patron Saint of earaches. In the early half of the second century, Polycarp, a famous Christian leader, was the bishop of Smyrna, a student of Saint John the Apostle, and a companion of Saint Ignatius of Antioch. Saint Ignatius sent Polycarp a letter from Troas after […]
ADSUM PASIPLAT. Bishop Patricio Buzon nagpanguna sang Santos nga Misa sa pagsaulog sang Mierkoles sang Pagbadlis. Sa sini nga adlaw ginasaulog sang bug-os nga Simbahan ang pagsugod sang KWARESMA, ang Mierkoles sang Pagbadlis, sa diin ang abo ang ginalamhit sa agtang sang mga tumuluo tanda sang pagpakaubos kag paghinulsol. Photos: SOCCOMM Correspondent Clyde Palmes Engineer […]
???? ????????? ??? ???????? ?? ????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ?????? Ginsaulog sang Triumph of the Holy Cross Parish ang nahauna nga adlaw sang Kwaresma nga amo ang Miyerkules Badlis kagina alas 6 sang aga, Pebero 22, 2023.Isa ka misa ang ginpangunahan ni Reberendo Padre Francisco D. Perez, VF kung sa diin ginlamhitan sang abo nga […]
Today we celebrate the feast of the Chair of Saint Peter. This celebration honors the fact that Christ appointed Peter to take his place as the servant-authority of the entire Church. Peter learns the Good News after the “lost weekend” of suffering, uncertainty, and self-punishment. The Christ has risen!” proclaim angels to Magdalene at the […]
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT. ADSUM PASIPLAT. Dinner for a Cause | Pre-Valentine Celebration of the St. John the Baptist Parish-Bago City A Dinner for a Cause was held last February 13, 2023 by Saint John the Baptist Parish. The event was attended by parishioners, visitors, priests, and lay faithful coming from the different ministries. […]
Formation of Altar Servers at the Our Lady of Peace Parish-La Carlota last February 18, 2023, led by Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Wilmar Dolor. Photos taken by: Jomel Tubang Source: ADSUM Diocese of Bacolod Viewers: 105
ADSUM PASIPLAT. MOVING FORWARD WITH CHRIST The Diocese of Bacolod-Young Clergy Cluster starts their annual updating and “Kumustahan” at Crombel’s Paradise Beach Resort in Cauayan, Negros Occidental today February 20, 2023 until February 21, 2023. This activity enhances not only friendship and camaraderie among the young clergy but gives emphasis into their communal relationship as […]